Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Wall construction

 In the abstract, walls are assemblies of multiple functions:

  1. exterior finish
  2. support for exterior finish
  3. air barrier
  4. thermal insulation
  5. vapor barrier
  6. structure
  7. interior finish

Monday, September 20, 2021


I sent this email to my team:

I expect each of you to do your job and do it well.


The goal of becoming a professional is not an overnight phoenix (rebirth from ashes). It is more like the construction of  a building. One begins with a foundation and then makes additions as one pursues the specific segment of architecture that one wishes. One does not build one’s professionalism and career in a vacuum. It takes mentors, professional organizations, coworkers, bosses, subordinates, and outside consultants.


One outside consultant I have used makes a free to public podcast and for those that register, online public forums.


Their mission is:

  • Every Manager Effective®
  • Every Professional Productive®

Here is a link to a current podcast:




Podcast with some architecture content...
