Friday, September 22, 2017

SCRUG 9/21/2017 Making Money with Revit, Delivering the Promise of BIM

Sam Keville of Architects Orange was our master of ceremonies. A. Jay Holland had other matters to attend to.

Thank you to our sponsors... Kelar PacificMicrodesk, & U.S. CAD. They provided pizza from Sgt Pepperonis Pizza, Cookies and drinks. 

Thank you to Little Diversified Architectural Consulting for providing the venue, hot drinks, wine and chilled water.

After introductions of new people, Ed Tallmage showed off the latest in tech from Leica Geosystems. His was one of  40 delivered thus far. This model connects wirelessly to the Apple Ipad Pro. It is lightweight and fast. Each scan taking two to three minutes based on whether you want hi res or low res. 

Sam jumped into the meat of his presentation. It was a throwback to the early days of #SCRUG when we had everyone exploring new features and sharing how to get things done.

With so many new comers he had to review some of the basics.

BIMX - Building Information Modeling Execution Plan. We covered this a bit in the 2/2017 SCRUG meeting

LOD - Sam shared his version of the Level of Detail breakdown of modeling. 
  • 100 Walls & openings = 10% Construction Documents (CDs)
  • 200 Content that approximates geometry = 25% CDs
  • 300 Accurate geometry, cartoon set = 50% CDs
  • 350 Plan Check Set, fully describe everything = 100% CDs
  • 400 Issue to client for maintaining and managing the building = record set
ORG Chart - Who are the members of the team, what do they do, what are their capabilities, how are they related.

These three pieces work together. Susan  chimed in that these parts need to be codified in the contractual relationships. Sam emphasized that the documents are not enough, the responsibilities should be presented and divided up in a meeting. Who does what by when is the key to Making $$$. Agreements need to be in place. The contract should support the process.

Sam described the benefits of upgrading projects as new features are released since Revit is on an annual upgrade schedule with two interim upgrades. He reads the release notes. There is no better way to see, "what is in it for me". One of the biggest improvements in Revit 2017 has been Global Parameters. He uses it to make the parameters render well on AO's title blocks. It was a major frustration that text/parameters wouldn't line up properly in Revit 2016.Sam explained the Revit Project division of labor looks like at AO. 
·       Revit Lead - Project Architect
·       3D Drafter - Advanced User builds families, does modeling, uses plugins, know how to fix the model 
·       2D Drafter - Junior User uses mainly the site and annotation menus. Could use the Area plan tools to have live updated area schedules during schematic design.
With a proper division of responsibilities, a set can get to the 10% CDs in about a week. BIM Managers have a specialized set of skills that do not necessarily coincide with typical architect or CADD training. Skills like software license management, network analysis, plugin evaluation, and hardware troubleshooting are vital to keeping the Revit Team efficient.

Meetings, they are often not a good use of time. Sam shared some tips to help Production Meetings improve: Have an agenda with things on it like: lessons learned, new Revit Features, project successes, skill refreshing, training,...

Sam's motto: Get better every day. Make mistakes only once. 

Using the roof by footprint, draw the rectangle, add points for spot elevations, then use cutouts to trim the edges rather than adjusting the boundaries. The 3D rendering patterns will look better - I am going to try this tip out.

Keynote Manager + is a software to manage the text files with keynote information. One need not use Revit to have access to it. A perfect tool for a project manager. Link keynotes to materials and schedules. If you make your tags right the keynote tag and the material tag can snap together. Workflow wise, one can use the text version of keynotes during schematic design and presentations and flip them to numbers once you have your schedules on the sheets!

Dynamo: Sam shared a Dynamo graph that grabs all the data form revision clouds and spits out an Excel file. If you follow protocol it generates a useful narrative for your revisions! Thanks Andrew King at WATG. The key points are to have 1) Where the revision came from and 2) What the revision changed. The excel file will have: 
  • Sheet number
  • Sheet Name
  • Revision Number
  • Revision Date
  • Revit Element ID number
  • Revit View
  • and both 1) & 2) 

This .dyn was worth the wait. It essentially writes the revision narrative automatically.

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